Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Terrible Mom

I feel like a terrible mom after going to the eye doctor today with Ashleigh. She got glasses last year before school started and we were told that she only really needed them when she was reading. Well, she broke her glasses right before school got out in May and I have been putting off getting her new ones, especially since Doug broke his glasses a few weeks ago too. I received a check last week that I had been waiting on so we had the cash to take both of them to get their glasses. We found out that Ashleigh's eyes are a lot worse than we thought. We were told that she needed to get in glasses immediately and she had to wear them all the time. I just about cried. We ordered her new glasses (we had a hard time finding the "perfect" pair and the purple metallic ones didn't make the cut :)). She has to go back in October and they are expecting to change her prescription then as well. Doug ordered his cool new glasses. He really wanted a pair of prescription sunglasses but we didn't have quite enough money for those, so when the next check arrives we will order his sunglasses.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Glad to see you are blogging Shelly. You are awesome... I can not wait to see the cool glasses Doug has gotten.