Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Busy Week

I have got a very busy week ahead of me. This will be my first week without any classes and now I have to play catch up on all the work I had gotten behind on. In addition to that, Family Fusion is next week so I have to get everything done to take 3 days off. I am ready to have a few days without the computer, work and my cell phone. I am looking forward to some much needed family time. I know God has great things in store for my family and all the families going. I feel like my time with my children has been cheated this summer due to a very unusual schedule. I reminded myself that it was for just a short season. I am hoping that by working extra hard this week, I will have to work very little between next Sunday and when school starts. It is hard to believe that this summer is almost over! I am also hoping to get some time in for me and the kids to go and spend some time with my sister and her kids. We always have a blast when we are together and the kids really miss each other. Let the work begin....

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