Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My children

I love it when my kids pray and want to read God's word. Ryan's teacher encouraged them to try and read through the New Testament this year. He has been reading a chapter a night on his own and we have had some really neat conversations. The other night he said that he never realized that Jesus told so many neat stories and that he talked that much. Last night as Ashleigh was praying she thanked God for making her just the way she is. She told me that God doesn't look at her beautiful hair but at her heart and we were able to talk about what our hearts look like. I love these times with my children and I love to see the work that God is doing in their lives.

1 comment:

JoLynn said...

Wow... that is awesome. It's great that at such a young age Ashleigh is already understanding that she is beautiful not only on the outside, but more importantly on the inside. And Ryan... he becomes more of a young man than a kid every day. The other day at the meeting Rick and I were joking about how it's like he is in college because he was eating croutons with ranch dressing. Haha. You have incredible children, and you and Doug have done an amazing job at raising them. :)