Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What's for Dinner?

Why is it when you are hungry, everything at the grocery store looks wonderful and very tempting? The kids and I went to Kroger this morning with our shopping list to get everything for the week. Of course, it was close to lunch time and it all looked really good. I told the kids that it was their job to make me stick to the list because we only had so much to spend. They really enjoyed this. They like keeping me in line. We have been making a menu for the week and only shopping from that. This has really helped us and has also made cooking a little easier for me. Doug does a lot of the cooking and one of the main reasons I don't is because I can't think of what to cook. In the past, we would call each other and ask several times during the day, "What do you want for dinner?". The answer was usually, "I don't know, what do you want?". Many times we would end up at Chick-fil-A. So, now we each get a turn picking our favorite meal for the week. We know that spaghetti and fettuccine will be a staple since that is one of the few things that Ryan will eat. We can always count on Ashleigh to have plenty of vegetables. This has been a lot of fun and has taken some of the stress of thinking "what are we going to eat tonight?" off of us. BTW, we were under budget this morning so we were able to add a few favorite snacks as well.

1 comment:

mikeyfizzle said...

I like macaroni & cheese