Friday, November 30, 2007

Busy...but my favorite time of the year!

This has been a long and busy week. I always have a difficult time getting in the swing of things after a holiday. We have just about finished decorating our house for usually takes me about a week. I have put a dent in my Christmas shopping and hope to get done tomorrow. I am going to the mall with no kids and no husband...Yeah!!! I love being with them but I will be able to get a lot more done without them. Doug usually slows me down the most :). I can't wait...I just hope I can get some creative ideas for Christmas. I hate buying a present just to buy one. I always put a lot of thought in what I buy people because I want it to be meaningful and special. We have already started reading some of our favorite Christmas stories. I read The Crippled Lamb last night and Ashleigh started reading The Legend of the Christmas Tree. I bought this book today for Ryan to read. I love to sit around the Christmas tree and read different stories with the kids. Now that they are getting older, they like to read them to us. This is absolutely my favorite time of the year!

1 comment:

JoLynn said...

It's my favorite time of year too... although you are WAY ahead of me on the Christmas gift thing. I haven't started at all... Eek!

It was good seeing you the other day. I'll probably come over again on WEdnesday... that seems to be our "bonding" night! LoL.

Love you!