Thursday, July 26, 2007

Family Fusion Highlights

We got home last night from Family Fusion (a retreat for the entire family) with mounds of laundry and a ton of great memories and experiences. It was a great week and Wendell, Emily and his team did an outstanding job of serving and being Jesus this week to all of us that went. Here a few things that I got out of Family Fusion:
1. God has blessed me with an awesome husband and wonderful children!
2. Don't sit up when you are on the bottom bunk.
3. To be more intentional with my prayers for my children.
4. Some of the best time with God is spent when it is 4am and you can't sleep but your entire family is snoring.
5. Our family is uniquely designed and created for a purpose. We nailed down our mission statement for the Garvin family.
6. For me to continue to support, help and allow Doug to lead our family.
7. Turning on and off a shower takes a higher level of education than I obviously have.
8. We learn a lot about ourselves through our children.
9. Our family would not survive in the wilderness (we had to build a fire without matches and cook corn and needless to say we didn't win and I am not sure it was edible)
10. The best thing from this week was that I got to spend some wonderful time with my family and God drove home that there is no better calling and honor than being Doug's wife and Ryan & Ashleigh's mommy. I wouldn't trade my life with anyone!!

I would love to share pictures with you but of course we had our camera but we also had a dead battery :).

1 comment:

trisha_tanner said...

I didn't get to be in there during the sharing is really cool to hear about what God did in ya'll family! It makes scrubbing your toliets worth it! : )