Friday, July 20, 2007

Erasing Pads

While cleaning today, I found some Scotch Brite Easy Erasing Pads under the sink. I don't know how they got there because I don't remember buying them. Anyway, it said it was great on soap scum. I am a clean freak about my bathroom and have had a time getting the soap scum off of my tub and shower floor which both are marble. I have tried everything with lots of elbow grease and it is always difficult to get clean. That was until today with the help of these wonderful erasing pads. All I had to do was wipe over it with water and cleaner and it looked like new. I went crazy and starting cleaning the tile and everything else with the eraser. My bathroom is shining tonight. Now, all I have to do is to figure out where to buy them so I can stock up on them.

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